Monday, April 9, 2012

Ocmulgee Indian Reservation

     The Ocmulgee Indian Mounds are located on Georgia's fall line. The park is roughly 702 acres wide and has multiple hills and wetlands. It was home to many Creek Indiands during their time of occupation on the land. Our class trip to the muonds was the second time that I had been on the reservation. In the fall of 2010, I was able to volunteer for the Ocmulgee festival that is held annually on the reservation. During my time of service I was able to truly appreciate the culture of the native people. The festival had numerous attractions, including reinactments of famous battles and live dances. I was able to build clay shapes and arrowheads with children. The experience was truly a blessing and I have throughly enjoyed both trips to the park.

Jackson Springs Blog

     From our time at the Jackson Springs community park we learned about Macon's location on the Georgia fall line. This fall line is the boundary between the Peidmont and the Coastal Plane. The fall line gets its name from rapids and waterfalls that are inland barriers to navagation on Georgia's major rivers.The fall line incompasses cities such as Macon, Columbus, Milledgeville, and Augusta. These rapids and waterfalls arise from the Ocmulgee, Chatahooche, Oconee, and Savannah rivers respectively. They occur in areas where the rivers drop off the hard crystalline rocks of the Peidmont onto the more erroded rocks of the Coastal Planes.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Community Gardens Post

During our lab time in the community gardens we were able to view many types of plants. We were also educated on the hazards than can effect community gardens. I was also able to distinguish different soil types by using the Munsell's soil color chart. This chart allows you to match particualr soil samples with predetermined colors that are assigned with numbers and letters. Using a Munsell's chart makes it easy for common people to identify almost any type of soil. My soil sample had a reading of 7.5yr 4/4.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Movie Blog

From the videos we have viewed during our lab time, my favorite has been Deep Sea Deep Secrets. This film showed the extensive planning and details that were required to travel to the deep ocean floor. The technitions and operators of the Alvin submarine were highly qualified and skilled. The video footage gave viewers images that would otherwise be physically impossible to see. The exlpores showed their firsthand accounts of hydrothermal vents within the earth's surface. They were also able to see life forms in an enviornment that should not be able to sustain living creatures. There is no other film that could provide its audience with this kind of footage. I was extremly pleased with the film and would love to view others of its nature.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Igneous Rock Identitification

Granite is an igneous rock that is coarsed-grained and light colored. It is mainly comprised of quartz and feldspars, along with mica and amphibole minerals. Granite is often times called the "best known" igneous rock because of its availibilty at the earth's surface. Most granite is plutonic, which means it forms deep within the earth. The mineral coloration of granite can vary. Colors include red, white, pink, grey, along with darker mineral coloration throughout the rock. A famous example of granite rock would be Mount Rushmore.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Rock Identitfication Lab

Limestone is a sedimentary rock that is generally composed of calcium carbonate (calcite). It is mainly formed in clear, warm, and shallow marine waters.

Hornblende can be either a calcium-iron-magnesium silicate, an aluminum-magnesium-iron silicate, or an iron-magnesium silicate.  This mineral makes up many igneous and metamorphic rocks.
Amethyst is a purple variation of quartz that gets its color from iron atoms in the crystal matrix.

Obsidian is an igneous rock that forms when molton rock material cools so fast that atoms are unable to form together in a crystalline structure.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Types of Maps

Chloropleth Map of State Income

Isarithmic map of Ohio Temperatures

Proportional symbol map of "Death by Lynchings" amongst white people during 1882-1968

Dot Density map of Eastern United States Tobacco Farms in 2002

My Map :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Mount Katmai, Alaska

Mount Katmai is located within Katmai National Park and Preserve on the Alaskan Peninsula.

Mount Katmai is a composite volcano vent that is one of five vents that incircle the Novarupta volcano. It is comprised of sedimentary rock and has caused ten fatalities due to gas exposure. Mount Katmai also features a crater lake near its peak. This lake was formed by a caldera and reaches a maximum elevation of 6,716 ft.